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er-high in victori jokergreen0220 0 32 12.04.2018 05:46
191 strikeouts in 178 1 jokergreen0220 0 32 12.04.2018 05:46
avs have the makings of a championship team -- this season and for many more to come. "This is culmination of a year and a half jokergreen0220 0 37 12.04.2018 05:46
contract expired jokergreen0220 0 42 12.04.2018 05:46
hats why our jersey has jokergreen0220 0 32 12.04.2018 05:46
d American came ba jokergreen0220 0 43 12.04.2018 05:42
... Joey Votto jokergreen0220 0 53 12.04.2018 05:42
Stan Musial (1943) jokergreen0220 0 43 12.04.2018 05:42
nature was wrong" and "is something that will never be repeated." "I appreciate that I have a tremendous amount of hard work to jokergreen0220 0 42 12.04.2018 05:42
the teams victo jokergreen0220 0 43 12.04.2018 05:42
to the rot jokergreen0220 0 39 12.04.2018 05:42
s not dealing wi jokergreen0220 0 47 12.04.2018 05:42
t states that Gre jokergreen0220 0 52 12.04.2018 05:41
ggling through a knee injury and hitting just .198 in his past 25 games. "I havent really seen him on video, just a couple of hi jokergreen0220 0 37 12.04.2018 05:41
tacklers, broke up t jokergreen0220 0 37 12.04.2018 05:41
and 37 runs scored jokergreen0220 0 42 08.04.2018 05:32
after arbitrator Fredric jokergreen0220 0 52 08.04.2018 05:31
p triumph in four days jokergreen0220 0 42 08.04.2018 05:31
was added to the i jokergreen0220 0 57 08.04.2018 05:31
iefly stopped twic jokergreen0220 0 47 08.04.2018 05:31
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